Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Countdown to launch...

Hello again,

I’m e-mailing to announce the start of the Projectile Follow-up Program (PFP). This is something us DG leaders and Ben and Joanna have talked about as a way of keeping in touch and seeing where God is leading each of us now that we’ve left project.

What we decided was that at periodic times over this year, EVERYONE will be asked to send a little blurb about what’s going on in your life now (i.e. where you are, what you’re doing). It just needs to be a few sentences (see my example at the bottom).

Please send me several sentences about where you are, what you'll be up to over the next while (i.e. Fall), etc., by August 24th or earlier. If we don't hear from you, whoever did PD/discipleship with you will CHASE YOU DOWN!

WHAT will it look like?
We’ll compile everything and send out a big e-mail. We'll also post it up to this blog – – and you'll be able to leave comments on the blog!

WHEN will it be?
We’re planning on doing at least THREE updates over the next year.

Update #1: We’ll be collecting your short blurb by August 24th, right before everyone starts the Fall.

Update #2: Around November/December, right before a lot of us go off to Winter Conference

Update #3: Maybe around March. I’m curious to see who God will lead to go on summer project this year, or do something completely different, and this is probably a good time to hear about it :P

After that, who knows. I’d like to keep in touch at least once a year (or maybe more), but I guess we’ll have to see how it goes.

We can post interesting things on the blog throughout the year, as well. If you’d like to be able to post, just talk to me and I'll get you set up.

That's all for now! Grace and peace to you :)

[see next blog post for examples]


Johnson said...

woot! i like how everyone's blogs and sites are at the side panel

that way, instead of bookmarking every individual blog, i can just bookmark this one!

Paulman said...

The best is if you subscribe to each person's blog (using RSS feeds or "Live Bookmarks"). You can use something like Google Reader to subscribe to RSS feeds, and then you can check that and always know if someone has updated.

sajoy said...

could you keep the link to my blog and photos at a first name basis? i try not to put my full name on things. thanks!

Paulman said...

Good point! I'm sorry :(

"Jean Brunet" has to stay, though ;)

Big, Scary Phil-- with a gun said...

I don't know, guys; even the first name is a little risky... lol. Paulman, you either have a really big heart or a whole lot of free time, or possibly a bit of both ;) but you did a great job on all of this. Thanks.